Who we are
Our website address is: https://smile4pet.com
This policy was last updated on September 27, 2020.
This Privacy Policy applies to all of the products, services, and websites offered by smile4pet.com. To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our privacy practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used by smile4pet.com.
smile4pet.com acts as a “Data Controller” for the purposes of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or to check your information to verify, update or correct it, please write to us via e-mail at info@smile4pet.com
You may also ask for a summary of the information that we have retained, how we have used it, and to whom it has been disclosed. For your protection, we may require that you authenticate your identity before we provide you with any information.
An overview of the information we may collect
You are able to take advantage of many smile4pet.com products, services, and websites without providing any information that personally identifies you by name, address, or other personally-identifying information. We only collect personally-identifying information when you voluntarily submit it to us.
Sometimes, we need personally-identifying information in order to provide you with the products and services that you request. Depending upon the product or service, we may ask you for a variety of personally-identifying information. This might include, for example, your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, gender, and birth date. Some types of personal information will NEVER be requested or collected, such as information on your race or ethnic origin, political opinions, trade union memberships, religious beliefs, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.
You may choose not to provide us with any personally-identifying information. In that case, you can still access and use many portions of our websites; however, you will not be able to access and use those portions of any Bonnier website that require your personal information.
At some smile4pet.com sites and through certain promotions, you can submit personally-identifying information about other people. For example, you might submit a person’s name and e-mail address to send an electronic greeting card; or, if you order a gift online or offline and want it sent directly to the recipient, you might submit the recipient’s name and address. Some Bonnier websites also provide referral services to help you inform a friend about our websites, products, or services. The types of personally-identifying information that we collect about other people at pages like these may include the person’s name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number. We will only ask you for the information about your friend that we need in order to do what you request.
Of our websites contain links to other sites. By clicking on these links, you will leave the website operated by smile4pet.com and this Privacy Policy will no longer apply. These other sites’ information practices may be different than ours. You should consult the other sites’ privacy notices, as we have no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by, these third parties.
How we use the information we collect
We use the personally-identifying information that you provide us to fulfill your requests for our products, programs, and services, to respond to your inquiries about offerings, and to offer you other products, programs, or services that we believe may be of interest to you. We sometimes use this information to communicate with you, such as to notify you when you have won one of our contests, when we make changes to subscriber agreements, to fulfill a request by you for an online newsletter, or to contact you about your account with us. We do not use your personal information to make automated decisions.
We may also use, transfer, sell, and share aggregated, anonymous data about our users for any legal purpose, such as analyzing usage trends and seeking compatible advertisers and partners. In no event will this aggregated data contain any information that could be used to identify individual users of our products or services.
How we protect the safety and integrity of the information we collect
We take appropriate physical, electronic, and procedural measures to safeguard and protect your personal information. We use a variety of security measures, including encryption and authentication, to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information. We store your personal information on systems behind firewalls that are only accessible to a limited number of persons, each of whom is required to keep the information confidential. We also take appropriate measures to secure the transmission of sensitive personal information from your computer to the Company’s computers.
smile4pet.com only collects personal information that is relevant to the purposes for which it will be used. Though we do take appropriate steps to review and update the information that we store to ensure that it is accurate, complete, and current, we also depend on you to update or correct your personal information when necessary.
You may correct or delete any or all of the personal information you have provided to us at any time. Many of our websites provide means to review and update the personal information that you have provided on that website. To inquire about personally identifiable information that smile4pet.com has collected about you, or about other ways to correct factual errors in that information, please send us an e-mail at info@smile4pet.com. (Note: Do not use this email address to send questions about your subscription. Instead, please visit the respective magazine’s customer service website.) To protect your privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to help verify your identity before granting access or making corrections. We will decline to process requests where we cannot verify the identity of the requester.
We may also decline to process requests that are automated, repetitive, systematic, or impractical, or that might jeopardize the privacy of others.
In some limited circumstances, such as to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, and enforce our policies, we may retain some of information that you have requested us to remove. Therefore, you should not expect that all of your personal information will be completely removed from our databases in response to your requests.
We only use the information we collect for purposes consistent with this policy. If we propose to use your personal information for purposes beyond that explained in this policy, we will provide appropriate notice before doing so and we will provide you with the means to opt out of those uses. We will not use your sensitive personal information for any purposes other than those described in this Policy unless we have obtained your consent.
If you are under the age of 18, you are welcome to use smile4pet.com. However, you must obtain the approval of a parent or guardian before you submit any personally identifiable information to smile4pet.com.
We Make Use of Cookies
We send “cookies” to your computer and use such cookies as described here. A cookie is a piece of data that identifies you as a unique user. We use cookies to improve the quality of our service and make the service easier to use for our members. We do this by storing user preferences in cookies and by tracking user trends – for example, we use cookies to allow you to automatically log in to the service after the first user session. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Be aware, however, that some parts of smile4pet.com may not function properly if you refuse cookies.
Your privacy options
We do not share your email address with any third-party, unless you have given us the explicit permission to do so. Email messages we send on behalf of our advertisers or smile4pet.com are delivered from our internal email marketing system only. We may also use an encrypted form of your email address strictly for matching purposes, both internally and externally.
We only want to communicate with you if you want to hear from us. All email messages we send will contain Unsubscribe and Manage Preferences links in the footer of each email, which you can use to control what type of email messages you receive. In order to provide you with all relevant content for our brand(s) with which you have interest and to give you the greatest degree of control over what type of messages you receive, your email address may exist on multiple lists.
Taking action using the Unsubscribe link will suppress you from a single list for that type of content (ex: Editorial, Sponsored or Consumer Marketing). For this reason, if you want to stop receiving all email messages from a Bonnier brand, using the Manage Preferences link from the email footer may be a more appropriate option. You may also use the Manage Preferences link to receive other content types, update your personal information or sign up for emails from smile4pet.com.
Questions, Concerns, and Complaints
We take our Privacy Policy seriously and we regularly review our own compliance with this Policy. In compliance with CCPA and GDPR, should you live within USA, or the European Union, and you have any questions or concerns about this Policy, or if you think that we have used your personal information in a manner inconsistent with this Policy, please contact us online: info@smile4pet.com
If we receive a complaint from you, we will contact you in an attempt to address your concerns. If we are not able to resolve a complaint, we will participate in appropriate independent recourse mechanisms as necessary.