Smile4pet provides professional high-quality dental cleanings for dogs & cats of all breeds and sizes.
We are a mobile service and provide services only in veterinary clinics. In order to book an appointment with a specialist, you can use the contact information on our website or use an online booking service, or you can call reach any of the veterinarian clinics in the list below:
Veterinarian locations: UNDER CONSTRUCTION
We combine high-level medical training of our technicians with specifically developed unique relaxing techniques.
Our hygienists are cleaning both above and below the gum line effectively.
We provide regular dental hygiene care for your pet without side effects after anesthesia, including elderly pets and breeds who are predisposed to a variety of health disorders.
We believe in “Holistic” (integrative) veterinary medicine. We are sure that maintaining your pet’s oral health does not require sedatives or complete anesthesia.
While having teeth cleaning procedure, our primary tool is a professional veterinarian ultrasonic scaler.
Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth is one of the most modern and safest ways of professional cleaning teeth. It consists of removing plaque and stone from the surface of the tooth enamel with a particular device (ultrasonic scaler) using ultrasonic (high-frequency) vibration on the surface of the tooth.
Cavatron removes any plaque and tartar from teeth surface and restores natural teeth color. This technique does not damage the tooth enamel. Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth is necessary prevention of plaque and tartar, which allows you to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
Smile4pet provides pet teeth polishing after every procedure. Professional dental brushless micromotor with contra-angle handpiece is quiet and can provide excellent final step clean-up. Polished teeth are generating significantly less plaque buildup.
Anesthesia-free teeth cleaning service that, in our view, can and should take place in the modern veterinary, as well as human hygiene, pet hygiene can and improve the quality of life of each pet.
Although Anesthesia-free is available to all types and sizes of dogs and cats, we would like to single out several groups of dogs for whom oral hygiene can be a better alternative than traditional anesthesia-based one.
* Pets with healthy gingiva & mild to heavy supragingival calculus. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. Almost always, it develops with poor oral hygiene or its complete absence. If a dog’s teeth are not brushed daily, tartar will inevitably form, which in later stages provokes the development of Gingivitis. In advanced cases, your pet may need a course of antibiotics. Your veterinarian will need to examine the animal and prescribe appropriate antibiotics before or after teeth cleaning to suppress the ongoing inflammation
No, it is not. Smile4pet provides hygiene service. We are not veterinarians.
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