
Tartar buildup on dog’s teeth – 5 reasons why

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5 reasons of Tartar buildup on dog’s teeth

5 reasons of Tartar buildup on dog’s teeth

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Appropriate nutrition

All dog’s owners know that your sweet puppies are
descendants of Wolves.

In a wild nature animal use their teeth to hunt. Dogs need canines
to catch their trophies, incisors to tear on the pieces, premolars to chew soft
parts like muscles and partially tendons, and molars to crack bones.

Row food like bones, and other parts of the animal help in
teeth cleaning. At home we usually feed our four-leg friends with any precooked,
or special dog’s food with a softening concentrate, so dogs don’t need long

Dog’s tartar is forming because the lack of natural rubbing of
the solid food against the teeth of the animal.
But it doesn’t mean that
just editing row bones and row food to your dog’s nutrition would fix the
charger problems.

pH level of the canine saliva

As you know the human pH is lower than the dogs one. Our natural pH balance is around 5.6 two 7.6, although the dogs have the much higher pH balance which is around 8 to 9. The increase hydrogen content in the animal saliva makes dogs less exposed to dental caries, but at the same time it carbonates to the formation of the calcium phosphate, just simply called dog’s tartar.

Sugar in the diet

To grow bacteria consumes lots of carbs, the easiest way to get them – is from sugars. When we humans have a piece of chocolate it would not be such a big deal. We have an ability to brush teeth regularly twice a day. Our pet does not do that. So, if we feed them with lots of treats, the thin layer plaque will be forming on the enamel of the dog’s teeth, later this plaque will get harder, and become the dog’s tartar.

Tarter is not the only problem that you can have because of sugar, in Canine nutrition article I am talking about other problems that you might have with your pet because of sugar.

plaque before forming tartar on white poodle teeth

Teeth structure

The fourth reason will be how the dogs jaw is structured. or if to say more simple – genetic problems, that might increase the amount of dog’s tartar on the dog’s teeth. Teeth that are crooked or densely growing teeth are the direct pass to formation of tartar.

The lack of hygiene

The last reason of dog’s tartar formation on the dog’s teeth is the lack of hygiene.

 I don’t think that the secret that you need to brush your dog’s teeth at least once a day, and make this procedure routine for you and your loved pet. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the mouth and the teeth of your animal. Regular brushing your dog’s teeth will definitely help with the decrease of tartar on the teeth surface.

During the appointments with a Smile4Pet anesthesia free teeth cleaning our dental technicians will show you an easy and effective way how you can brush your dogs teeth, and how to make this process full of joy for your pet.

anesthesia-free teeth cleaning